Wennekerakon Tiewishaw

I am a Mohawk digital artist from Kanehsatake, where I grew up in a traditional family that instilled a strong cultural identity and pride for my heritage. I want to help in the preservation of Indigenous knowledge and languages to serve future generations.I graduated from Concordia University with distinction in the Child Studies program and went on to work in private daycare. This is where I discovered my passion for working with children and exploring learning through art.Today, I channel that passion into making educational art for language learning games that target at risk Indigenous languages in Canada.




I am a digital artist with a background in game design and asset creation. I'm skilled at creating environments and characters that enhance the game theme and experience.I enjoy drawing nature and deep woods environments with magical elements. I also create fantasy characters with an urban twist. I am experienced in drawing Indigenous characters and traditional Mohawk clothing. That being said, I also like to challenge myself to draw in a completely new style or technique.Please inquire if you would like to discuss your ideas or if you have questions about my services. I am available for:

  • Contract Employment

  • Commissioned Art

  • Freelance Design & Concept Art